Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Something Funny To Write On My Status



BORN AS JUDAISM, or is the meaning of being Jewish.
who is Jewish or Judaism, as we can. WHAT THEY CALLED RELIGION, CULT is actually a transformer with time on religion, which used to have a Universal, entity EXISTENCE. But only those who have BLOOD JEWISH coming from the womb, can only be considered Jewish according to Jewish law. WORSHIP disguised profess this Religion. None of us can become Jews. Well in advance, received the rating of goyim (people of the second degree) If you can buy at any good bookstore, your "holy" books and we read his abominable Preach. Rascista and self-determination. http://www.angelfire.com/la3/ellider/Textos/Poderio-Judio.htm

This is Cosmovicion with ecology and nature, every Jew must eat Kosher food, (Festin Diabolico A) where the animal must suffer all the pain possible to be purified by pain.


Before the advent of Nazism (national socialism). before Hitler's Democratic nomination. He was the famous Jewish Rep's ruling to the German Weimar, whose members interfered and led by Jewish and Ministers Capital Jewish origins. The Jews have to the German nation, by so much greed and never feel identiçficado with any nationality, basing its belief in a future Jewish Promised Land I $ RAEL. After the First World War. International Judaism ruled Germany. 1) 45% of unemployment, from 1919 to 1923, the marginal increase by 500%, 1 frame cost more than 123,000,000,000,000 dollars in hyper inflation. an ounce of bread cost cars full of napkins. the average salary of a Jew was equivalent to 500 German workers. The Germans were to sell their homes to ensure food 1 month. The bridges were filled. exploitation and marginalization was the order of the Day. Germany equivalerce llegoi to the current African Uganda.


HITLER WINS democratic elections in 1933, razed to the polls with more than 20 000 000, Votes. Proclaiming raise Germany's economic ruins, lift the morale of the German People Based on a National Socialist. Capitalism Braso curtailing of Judaism. SUCCESS TO NAZI in Elections. JEWS declared war to Hitler and Germany. MARCH 24, 1933. Daily Press DAILY English SPRESSO not tolerate the idea that ending the Dark Business of Judaism in Germany. by the popular democratic will of the people who elected Hitler. And under slander the Jews are those who declare war on Germany and Hitler a few days of the Democratic Ascent

http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=es&sl=en&u=http://www.biblestudysite .com / judeawar.htm & sa = X & oi = translate & resnum = 4 & ct = result & prev = / search% 3Fq% 3DJUDEA% 2BDECLARED% 2BWAR% 2B% 26hl% 3des

CREATING A Jewish Holocaust (whose objectives are countless) major, are: 1 ) Create the State of Israel, the second most powerful nation in military and economically with 5.5 million Jews, usurped Palestinian nation. Securing the economic future based on the ambitious Western domination and imperialism World Zionist Jewish people united to the U.S. run by over 50% of Jewish capital. 2) Defeat and prohibit the future rise of Nazism as a policy issue that had marked the World economic solution based on national and social principles. Creating a conviction for ordering the absolute prohibition of such a party and to wash the head of the West about the true enemy of Judaism. 3) To hide covering the Genocide and the Holocaust True facts, by the Allied armies (armed hands of Judaism during the Second World War. The Jewish Stalinist communism. And 22 million deaths, rape and torture. Hide and cover up the record of England DRESDEN a civilian city without military garrisons bombed during 3 hours, 300,000 Germans exterminated. Help America capital managed by Jews and led by President Jew ROSSVELT minimizing the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagazaki the genocide that continues to this day, where babies are born deformed, people die of cancer product product of RADIATION. 4) Increase global economic power of Judaism based on damage and repair of a false Jewish Holocaust, thus obtaining Juicy millionaires give an amount of 6 million Jews were gassed that never existed. 5) ..................

http://66preguntasdelholocausto2.blogspot.com/ ect About
governance and government
nation with 20 million U.S. Jews. Those who conceal with Auschwitz and the press about something that did not exist, genocides and Nagazaki HIROSHIMA, by the American Government Operated by the President JEWISH F. Roosevelt and his successor Eisenhower. North American strategic policy, advisers, handlers and financiers of Bush. Formerly the Jews did not give the face and ran the Puppets, today show more.


rentor of Justice, United States. (Heads of the World Judiciary).




American Newspapers, owners Chains and Monopoly Press. (Broadcast the Western press) Drive the Primary educaion system, actual side and University of countries subject.


U.S. and I $ RAEL, both managed by the International Jewish Banking, develop the imperialist plan of Judaism, attacking and East Asia in the war of massacres , usurped and stolen to fill the Oil, invented the Holocaust is the great basis of those livelihoods, as well as the holdings of the various nations ruled by capital, whether democrats or communists. Will come for the potable water in Argentina decades later.

. The BILL GATES of 60 and 70. JEWISH Millionaire and American Minister. Which finances civil wars in several continents. Funds the dictatorships in South America and Asia and oceania finances the Left and communism, which in turn financed with arms DineroYa American subversion. "The circuit Jewish Money" driving left and right weakening the Nation and enriched Weapons, chaos, destruction and infrastructure (the world's debt with international banks "whose majority consists of Jewish capital" 60% or more.

. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_A._Kissinger

Like all know, Communism or LEFTIST Subversion is funded by banks and the Jewish capital in Argentina and throughout South America. in the decade of 60, 70 and 80 were civil wars. Henry Kissinger minister of armaments and finances U.S. bank capital military dictatorships. The same man who funded the American Jewish MAO TZE TUNG Rebellions in Asia against the communist regime in fabor. Henry Kissinger was a wealthy Jew from the U.S. Minister of the visible leaders of Judaism that lies a following of international capital, and behind the CAPITALIMO STATUS or call (Communism). In Argentina itself has suffered thousands of deaths, and debt, by the Military 2 Right and Left sides Subversive both armed and financed by the Jewish Finance to fight and to increase business interest, wars, weapons and South American weakness. The military government into debt with the U.S. and Pias Jewish Banking. Communist Cuba is Financed and day after day, to suppress people in the Russian capital Marxist Jews. MILITARY RIGHT, Dictatorships, financing enriches Jewish achievement through Henry Kissinger's MILLIONAIRE face of international Jewry Visible:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/2001/01-05/01-05-30/pag19 . htm

Some of the many examples. Jewish Business leftist subversives, its Financing Jew, enriches achievement through: Funding Kissinger Communism IN ASIA (Which in turn used to finance the Communist Subversion AMERICA.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/ http://ar.geocities.com/victorbevi/atentados_explosivos.html wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/Kissinger_Mao.jpg/230px-Kissinger_Mao.jpg

RIGHT and LEFT. The International Capitalism and State Capitalism ( Communism) are both ideologies Managed by International Jewish Banking. That is why Hitler was destroyed as a third position or Communist Liberal Capitalism. Destroyed in World War II by the false good .... POWER INTERNATIONAL JEW, made the Jewish millionaire murderer, received the Nobel Peace Prize, to avoid prosecution in international courts. The International Genocidal descidio even declare.


international Jewry, GODS of economic capital. CREO Communism to catch those who were hiding the savage capitalism of capitalism itself. Opposite control 2 things falsely dominate the ruling party and the popular discontent, controlling the masses. Communism is nothing more than State Capitalism concealed. Managed by Jews. Look Artificer FACES OF COMMUNISM and you will see that 98% of the 40 most powerful members of historical communism are of Jewish origin, except Guevara and Castro who defend Jewish interests as servants.


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